On Tue, Aug 06, 2013 at 11:41:35PM +0200, Gary Willoughby wrote:
> Is it possible using reflection or similar to extract only public
> method names from classes? I'm thinking how i would go about writing
> a unit test/mocking framework, investigating how i can gather
> information about such things before i manipulate them.

The following code demonstrates how you can do this:

        import std.stdio;
        class Base {
                private int x;
                public int y;
                this() {}
                private void privMethod() {}
                public void method() {}
        class Derived : Base {
                public override void method() {}
                public void derivedMethod() {}
                private void privDerivedMethod() {}
        void showAllMethods(C)(C obj) {
                writeln("All members:");
                foreach (field; __traits(allMembers, C)) {
                        static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, obj, field)) T 
== function)) {
                                auto prot = __traits(getProtection, 
__traits(getMember, obj, field));
                                writefln("\t(%s) %s", prot, field);
        void showDerivedMethods(C)(C obj) {
                writeln("\nDerived members:");
                foreach (field; __traits(derivedMembers, C)) {
                        static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, obj, field)) T 
== function)) {
                                auto prot = __traits(getProtection, 
__traits(getMember, obj, field));
                                writefln("\t(%s) %s", prot, field);
        string[] getPublicMethods(C)(C obj) {
                string[] methods;
                foreach (field; __traits(allMembers, C)) {
                        static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, obj, field)) 
== function) &&
__traits(getMember, obj, field)) == "public")
                                methods ~= field;
                return methods;
        void main() {
                auto d = new Derived();
                writeln("All public methods:");

The output is:

        All members:
                (public) method
                (public) derivedMethod
                (private) privDerivedMethod
                (public) __ctor
                (private) privMethod
                (public) toString
                (public) toHash
                (public) opCmp
                (public) opEquals
                (public) factory
        Derived members:
                (public) method
                (public) derivedMethod
                (private) privDerivedMethod
                (public) __ctor
        All public methods:
        ["method", "derivedMethod", "__ctor", "toString", "toHash", "opCmp", 
"opEquals", "factory"]

Hope this helps!


Designer clothes: how to cover less by paying more.

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