I've gotten extremely close. The DPaste link that follows demonstrates three different templates:

The first template is capable of generating the string for and mixing in the definition of a class that has a single arbitrary argument. An object of that class is instantiated, and its printSelf() method is invoked to demonstrate that the arbitrary data member it was generated with is indeed what you would expect it to be. The magic here is fairly plain.

The second template is capable of generating the string for the definition of a class that has some arbitrary number of arbitrary arguments at -compile- time, through the use of variadic template parameters. The issue with this string is that the type at T[n], where T is the variadic template parameter, is mangled at compile-time. The data-member-generating foreach loop shows the three potential ways I attempted to get at the full type information. All three have some problem with it, with typeid giving a fully mangled type, fullyQualifiedName giving a mostly mangled type, and __traits(identifier) giving just whatever the alias was that was passed in. The two other commented-out code sections in this template was an attempt to resolve the type information at the time of mixin, rather than within the string generation function, but this doesn't work.

The third template demonstrates that D actually can resolve the individual types of the variadic template parameter correctly, so long as it's allowed to do this at runtime. The string printed as a result of instantiating this template shows exactly the class definition we want to be able to mix in at compile time, but this type information eludes us at compile time even though it's clearly readily available at runtime.

The code referenced above is here: http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/a6feafc8

I'm not sure why DPaste is failing to compile the code, but I am compiling it with DMD v2.063.2. Also included at the bottom of the DPaste listing is the output I get when running that program, exactly as listed.

With all of that said, there is a fundamental difference between how the first template and the second two templates are written. The first one, which works, resolves the T parameter during the mixin. The second two try to resolve the variadic types during class definition string generation. I am pretty convinced at this point that if this is ever going to work, the variadic template parameter type tuple needs to be resolved during the mixin, like with the first example. The how is the question. Again, I attempted to have the variadic template parameter types deduced during execution of the mixin with the two blocks of commented-out code in the second template, but I had no luck there, as I got the same errors as I did in my previous big post. So.

By the first template, we know that we can generate class definitions with arbitrary data members and mix them in at compile time using aliases for templated, compile-time-mixin-generated classes, but for each new arbitrary type we want the generated class to have, we need to have a distinct template parameter for the type.

By the third template, we know that we should have access to the fully qualified types in the variadic template parameter, but it at least appears to only be fully resolved at runtime (which I feel like is me misunderstanding something, but then that's also the root of our problem).

By the second template, we show that trying to deduce the types within the type tuple (the variadic template parameter) during class definition string generation does not work, which leads us to believe it must be resolved while mixing in the class definition using the templated types, but that also doesn't seem to work (as noted by the failed attempts in the two commented out blocks of the second template).

I feel like we're so very close to the answer, whether it's "Oh, you just have to do this" or "You're crazy, this is impossible."

If only it was possible to summon Andrei. He'd know! Maybe it's some sort of a Bloody Mary thing?

Andrei, Andrei, An-

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