Chris Cain:

    InputRange!Tree walk()
        return inputRangeObject(chain(

I have used your nice idea to create another partial D solution for this task:

import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, std.conv, std.string;

struct Tree(T) {
    T value;
    Tree* left, right;

alias VisitRange(T) = InputRange!(const Tree!T);

VisitRange!T preOrder(T)(in Tree!T* t) {
    enum self = mixin("&" ~ __FUNCTION__.split(".").back);
    if (t == null)
        return typeof(return).init.takeNone.inputRangeObject;
    return [*t]
           .chain([t.left, t.right]
                  .filter!(t => t != null)
                  .map!(a => self(a))

VisitRange!T inOrder(T)(in Tree!T* t) {
    enum self = mixin("&" ~ __FUNCTION__.split(".").back);
    if (t == null)
        return typeof(return).init.takeNone.inputRangeObject;
    return [t.left]
           .filter!(t => t != null)
           .map!(a => self(a))
                  .filter!(t => t != null)
                  .map!(a => self(a))

VisitRange!T postOrder(T)(in Tree!T* t) {
    enum self = mixin("&" ~ __FUNCTION__.split(".").back);
    if (t == null)
        return typeof(return).init.takeNone.inputRangeObject;
    return [t.left, t.right]
           .filter!(t => t != null)
           .map!(a => self(a))

VisitRange!T levelOrder(T)(in Tree!T* t) {
    enum self = mixin("&" ~ __FUNCTION__.split(".").back);
    return typeof(return).init.takeNone.inputRangeObject;

void main() {
    alias N = Tree!int;
    auto tree = new N(1,
                      new N(2,
                            new N(4,
                                  new N(7)),
                            new N(5)),
                      new N(3,
                            new N(6,
                                  new N(8),
                                  new N(9))));!(t => t.value).writeln;!(t => t.value).writeln;!(t => t.value).writeln;

    // Should print: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]!(t => t.value).writeln;

As you see levelOrder is not finished.

I don't know if there is a simple way to return that something for empty input (simpler than typeof(return).init.takeNone.inputRangeObject). I have used it to avoid bugs caused by the successive map.writeln.

I don't know if there are nice ways to refactor this code to shorten it some.

I'd like that function pointer self to be a D built-in feature. I have used it because when you write such kind of code and you copy&paste the implementations to create a new visit function it's very easy to forget to update the name of the function to call recursively.

A related task that is not yet using this idea:


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