On Thursday, 7 November 2013 at 01:37:24 UTC, Shammah Chancellor wrote:
How does one reflect on all the classes in a module?

__traits(allMembers, your_module)

There's two easy ways to get your_module: __traits(parent, some_top_level_symbol0 or mixin("module.name.here");

allMembers gives a list of strings, which are the names of everything. Then you do __traits(getMember, your_module, name) in the loop to get it and see if it is a class.

If you need more details, I can write a sample function too. I used this technique in my terminal emulator utility module:


check the main function there. Here, I look for functions marked export, but looking for classes and UDAs isn't much different. static if(is(T == class)), __traits(getAttributes), etc instead of getProtection.

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