On Mon, 2014-01-13 at 15:05 +0000, Dejan Lekic wrote:
> I simply define version in my main module (module which contains 
> the main() function). I am planning to submit a DIP about 
> something that is related to this. - I think we really need a way 
> to specify version of package, and maybe even version of a module 
> (similar to how the new Java module system works - see project 
> Jigsaw). D does not offer this. I humbly believe it should be 
> part of the language as it could be used also for building 
> versions of dynamic libraries.

For the version number to be available to SCons it cannot be embedded in
the D source code. (Unless I am missing some really useful trick. :-)

> Anyway, back to the topic.
> Say my main() function is in the org.dlang.myapp module.
> If I want to have information about version of the artifact, my 
> myapp.d starts with the following two lines of D code:
> module org.dlang.myapp;
> version = 1_3_21_4; // major_minor_micro_qualifier

Python uses a tuple:

        (<major>, <minor>, <bugfix>, <annotation>)

which seems to work very well: it needs very little reprocessing to be
used in most contexts. 

> Naturally, build tool looks for the version line when I need it.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
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