import std.stdio;

struct B
        template opCall(T)
                void opCall(T x)

template a(T)

void main() {
        B a;
        a(3);   // works because template parameter can be deduced from
        a.opCall!(int)(3); // same as about but explicit
        a!(int)(3); // works but calls template because a! refers to a
        // no way to use the above syntax to initiate an opCall on a
because it is template notation.
        // at most one might get away with a.!(int)(3) but this is

You'll never be able to do a!()() for the reasons give above. At
most it would have to be implemented the compiler and I doubt it
will ever happen. (for example, one could have the opExclamation
but then one has ambiguity, which is why ! was chosen to avoid in
the first place)

I think for your example, the first case works fine using

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