Am 26.04.2014 20:18, schrieb Entry:
> I'd like to use GLFW from Deimos, but I couldn't get it to work (DMD
> said it cannot use libglfw.a) and I've read somewhere that only GDC can
> use these DLLs directly (with a D header, but that's still better than
> hooking the methods). So do I need GDC for that or not? And would you
> actually recommend it?
> On a side note, getting GDC to work is a bitch. I had to copy around
> several DLLs (like libiconv-2.dll) and it's now working only with the
> libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll copied right next to my application's exe. What am I
> doing wrong?
> This is really frustrating :/

I have a 10 month old glfw3.dll

Since glfw didnt change much (that was already at release), this is
probably enough for you. Simply pass the glfw3.lib to the compiler and
make sure glfw3.dll is reachable in runtime.

But you can also build your own using cygwin (that's how I made it) and
use implib for format conversion.

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