On Sunday, 27 April 2014 at 13:09:39 UTC, bearophile wrote:
Lazy arguments in general allocate, but who is to blame for the allocation?
Isn't the allocation at the calling point?

This code:

void foo(lazy int x) @nogc {
    auto r = x(); // Error
void main() {


test.d(2,15): Error: @nogc function 'test.foo' cannot call non-@nogc delegate 'x'

Is it right to refuse the @nogc annotation on foo()? I think here foo should be allowed to be @nogc, while the main() can't be @nogc. What do you think?


It happens because attribute inference does not work properly on generated delegated for lazy argument. I think it is a bug

"lazy int x" is effectively same as "int delegate() x" and @nogc states that you can only call other @nogc functions and delegates from something annotated as @nogc.

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