Hi guys,

I've the following snipped:

TcpSocket oSocket = new TcpSocket(AddressFamily.INET);
oSocket.bind(new InternetAddress("", 12345));

                Socket oRequestSocket = oSocket.accept();

                Request oRequest = new Request(oRequestSocket);
                oRequest.start(); // Start request thread
        catch (SocketAcceptException oException)

When I execute the code above, the while(true)-loop uses nearly 100% (1 complete cpu). When I connect to the server multiple times (note that each Request-Thread has it's own while(oRequestSocket.isAlive)-loop) the cpu usage easily reaches 120, 130... 200 and more cpu usage.

Is there anything I'm doing wrong? I don't want use blocking sockets... how to handle 100 or 1000 connections when the main server thread already consumes 1 cpu?

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