On Saturday, 10 May 2014 at 13:02:39 UTC, Jack wrote:
First off a rant:

I use the Code::Blocks IDE and at times it has been proven to a double-edged source because of various issueslike this one:


and am now itching to search for other IDEs to suit my needs.

Now on to the question:
Anyway, I was using std.net.curl to implement an auto updater for my program.

Function code is this: http://pastebin.com/i6WnwJF5(links removed due to it having private content. Original host is https://dropbox.com)

And the overall function was working fine in the IDE except for an Access Violation that I thought would work itself out when it's (run by administrator).

So I Exported it to a folder with all necessary files, including the "cacert.pem" file and run it.

Well this little error popped out : http://pastebin.com/8MmPLg2Q

Though in the Code:: Blocks IDE there was the object.Error Access Violation error And in the actual program(.exe) this : http://pastebin.com/8MmPLg2Q

Though I'm also up for not verifying the link but I still can't figure out how.

Anyway, can anyone give me an idea what went wrong?

Little typo there:
Function code is this: http://pastebin.com/i6WnwJF5

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