On 20/05/2014 10:36 p.m., Tom Browder via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
I am working on a project  to provide D binding files for the C/C++
FOSS BRL-CAD project:


My work is on the "d-binding" branch and specifically here:


My plan is to automatically generate the D binding files using Perl
code that I'm writing.  (I have tried dstep but it's not working for
me and I don't have time nor the D knowledge to go down that path at
the moment.)
=== Directory, File, and Module Organization

One concern is the organization of the D files.  Letting $BRL be the
root directory of the installed BRL-CAD package, its public headers
are in


(with several sub-dirs not directly called by users).  Those headers
privately access some other headers in


(also with sub-dirs).  I plan to install the generated D interface
files (initially as source) in


I assume that'll just be the working directory? Since it would be more useful as a dub repository.

I plan to map the C header files this way:

   # all public api (for headers found in installed dir
   # "$BRL/include/brlcad" and its sub-dirs)
   $BRL/d/X.d       # module name: brlcad.X (includes all X/* headers)

   # other brlcad-specific, private installed headers

   # "$BRLCAD_ROOT/include"
   $BRL/d/other/X.d  # module name: brlcad.other.X

   # for subdirs X
   # "$BRLCAD_ROOT/include/X"
   ./di/X/Y.d      # module name: brlcad.X.Y

Just a suggestion if you were not aware, but gcc is able to output the entire headers as a single file that it is using, given a file. Might be helpful if you want to say choose x headers (using #define) per D module.

=== System Headers and Other, Dependent Library Headers

Another major concern is what to do about other, non-BRL-CAD headers:
I see many system headers that don't seem to be covered by  Phobos.
In addition, BRL-CAD has several other library dependencies that have
no published D bindings that I have found yet (although two large
ones, OpenGL and Tcl/Tk, seem to have such).

I am gaining confidence that I can automatically generate D interface
files with little to no manual intervention (given the guidance on the
D Wiki), so my first inclination is to generate D files for all
headers I find.

I know I'm probably whistling through the dependency-graveyard here,
but it's been an interesting walk so far.  However, I will appreciate
any thoughts on the directory layout and file and module naming

Don't worry about it. If its really that big of a deal, separate project :)

Although personally I'm more concerned with the usage of templates at least from what I saw. That may be a little harder and may require a c lib as well to bind it together.

Will definitely be interested in your work if we can generate models in D and output them including textures! (I killed off blender numerous times via Python doing this)

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