On Thursday, 8 May 2014 at 20:57:08 UTC, Taylor Hillegeist wrote:
So i was thinking i wonder if anyone has a d library for excel and behold there it was. however, it seems like d has grown since this was written.

I'm getting bunches of errors telling me that i can't override a function without the override keyword. which is not a big deal, however I seem to be missing libraries.

std.date; cannot be found :(
is this equivalent to std.datetime?

dcollections.LinkList; I found it but should i use It? is there not something in std.containers; that would replace it?

Last I used std.containers (which admittedly has been a few years), I developed a pretty deep distrust of DList. Personally, I would use multi_index, but you are probably better off sticking with dcollections. unless steve hasn't been maintaining it..

Also, I'm the author/porter of dxl. I think I quit maintaining it because I was waiting for the new io api, which I guess still hasn't happened. I don't really have time to work on it right now, but if you have questions, feel free to ask.

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