On Friday, 30 May 2014 at 12:35:46 UTC, francesco cattoglio wrote:
Today I got the following compile error:
"Cannot implicitly convert expression (<blabla>) of type const(<Type>) to <Type>" and this is a reduced example ( also on http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/f2f3bd921989):

module test;
import std.stdio;

class Foo {
        int i = 42;     

class MyClass {
        private { Foo _Q; }
        this() {_Q = new Foo;}
        Foo getQ () { return _Q; }
        const (Foo) getQ () const { return _Q; } // OK
        // const Foo getQ () const { return _Q; } // fails

void main() {
        const MyClass instance = new MyClass;

I don't really understand what's going on here. Why is "const Foo getQ()" wrong? And why is "const(Foo) getQ" so much different? (e.g: this is an explicit cast, right? Is there anything that might go wrong?)

Outcome of terrible decision to apply front `const` to function/method type itself and not return type.

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