I bam close to be done

import std.stdio;
import std.typecons;
import std.conv;

struct Coord
     int x;
     int y;
     int z;

template toTuple(T){
     static string maker(){
         string statement = "alias Tuple!(";
         foreach(const memberName; __traits(allMembers, T)){
             statement ~=  typeof(__traits(getMember, T,
memberName)).stringof  ~ ",\"" ~ memberName ~ "\", " ;
         statement = statement[0..$-2] ~ ") toTuple;" ; // $-1 to
remove extra comma
         return statement;
     pragma( msg, maker() );
     mixin( maker() );

void main()
     //auto a = c.tupleof;
     auto a = toTuple!Coord;

$ ldc2 -w -of"testTupleof" "testTupleof.d"
alias Tuple!(int,"x", int,"y", int,"z") toTuple;
testTupleof.d(29): Error: type Tuple!(int, "x", int, "y", int,
"z") has no value

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