Hello all,

I'm trying to read from /dev/random using File.rawRead as follows:

    auto f = File("/dev/urandom", "r");
    ulong b;
    f.rawRead((&b)[0 .. 1]);

This generates a linker error:

rawread.o: In function `_D3std5stdio4File14__T7rawReadTmZ7rawReadMFAmZAm':
rawread.d:(.text._D3std5stdio4File14__T7rawReadTmZ7rawReadMFAmZAm+0xba): undefined reference to `_D3std9exception88__T12errnoEnforceTbVAyaa27_2f6f70742f646d642f696d706f72742f7374642f737464696f2e64Vmi715Z12errnoEnforceFNfbLAyaZb'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
--- errorlevel 1

Can anyone advise what's the problem here? Passing a regular array as the buffer doesn't cause any issues, but I can't see what's wrong with passing a slice based around pointer-to-ulong as in the above example.

This certainly _used_ to work, so I take it it's down to a recent change to rawRead ... ?

Thanks and best wishes,

    -- Joe
  • rawRead linker error Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d-learn

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