On 06/02/2014 09:06 AM, dennis luehring wrote:
i want to port this C++ code to good/clean D and have no real idea how
to start

contains 2 templates - a slice like and a binary reader for an slice
main idea was to copy the immutablity of the slice data to the reader


the example compiles fine with http://gcc.godbolt.org/, clang version
3.4.1 and compiler-options: -O2 -std=c++11

the slice_T template - could be maybe reduce down to an normal D slice
but i want to control the slice (im)mutability - so maybe there is still
a need for the slice_T thing

i don't know if the binary reader read_ref method should be written
totaly different in D

any tips, ideas?

If the following is not already what you were looking for, it should get you started. (But note that the interface provided by BinaryReader is unsafe: It may invent pointers. You might want to add template constraints that would at least allow the implementation to be @trusted.)

template CopyQualifiers(S,T){
    import std.traits;
    static if(is(S==const)) alias T1=const(Unqual!T);
    else alias T1=Unqual!T;
    static if(is(S==immutable)) alias T2=immutable(T1);
    else alias T2=T1;
    static if(is(S==inout)) alias T3=inout(T2);
    else alias T3=T2;
    static if(is(S==shared)) alias CopyQualifiers=shared(T3);
    else alias CopyQualifiers=T3;

struct BinaryReader(T){
    @disable this();
    this(T[] slice){ this.slice=slice; }
    size_t left()const{ return slice.length - offset; }
    bool enoughSpaceLeft(size_t size)const{ return size <= left(); }
    ref readRef(V)(){
        if(!enoughSpaceLeft(V.sizeof)) throw new Exception("1");
        auto off=offset;
        return *cast(CopyQualifiers!(T,V)*)(slice.ptr+off);
    auto readValue(V)(){ return readRef!V(); }
    T[] slice;
    size_t offset=0;

auto binaryReader(T)(T[] slice){ return BinaryReader!T(slice); }

void main(){
    import std.stdio;
        auto testData = "THIS IS BINARY TEST DATA"; // no comment
        auto stream = binaryReader(testData);
        static assert(is(typeof(stream.readRef!uint())==immutable));
        (ref ref_){
            auto value = stream.readValue!uint();
    }catch(Exception e){
        writeln("exception error: ",e.msg);
        writeln("exception unknown");

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