On 06/04/2014 05:05 PM, Robert Hathaway wrote:
I've got a program that reads a text file line by line (using std.stdio

Consider using byLine() instead. (Important: byLine uses an internal buffer for the line; so, don't forget to make a copy if you want to store the line for later use.)

> and I'd like to refer to the line number when I send a message
to stderr upon finding a mis-formatted line.  Is there a way to get the
current line number?  Of course, I could create a counter and increment
it with each call to readln, but is there a "cool" way of doing this?

Okay, call me lazy... just don't call me late for dinner! :-)


One cool way is a zipped sequence:

import std.stdio;
import std.range;

void main()
    foreach (i, line; zip(sequence!"n", File("deneme.txt").byLine)) {
        writefln("%s: %s", i, line);


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