Am 13.06.2014 20:22, schrieb H. S. Teoh via Digitalmars-d-learn:

Generally, it's a bad idea to conflate a container with a range over its
contents. In this sense, built-in arrays are a very bad example, because
they show precisely this sort of conflation. But they get away with it
because of their hybrid value/reference semantics. Most containers,
however, don't have this sort of complex semantics, so they don't mix
very well with ranges directly.

It's much better to separate the container from a range over its
contents. So I wouldn't put the range API methods in the List class, but
implement an opSlice method that returns a struct that performs the list
iteration, that implements the range API. This allows you to write:

        auto myList = new List(...);
        foreach (item; myList[]) { // N.B., myList[] calls myList.opSlice()

Since the range struct returned by opSlice is separate from the
container itself, you don't have any risk of iteration also consuming
the container.


Thank you, this information is really helpful.

Kind regards

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