On Monday, 16 June 2014 at 22:03:28 UTC, Mark Blume wrote:
Why exactly isn't a constructor without any parameters is not allowed?

The idea is that declaring a plain struct always has almost zero cost - it is just static data with no extra code run. A zero-arg constructor (aka a default constructor in C++) that is run automatically on the declaration breaks that idea.

Since sometimes people want it anyway the compromise is to make a static opCall and explictly use it with parenthesis. This was introduced before D had any struct constructors at all.

Then struct constructors were added to D later and they override the old static opCall method... but they must have at least one parameter.

So short answer is the confusion is caused by two historical features that basically did the same thing. Nowadays, static opCall should mostly be avoided. Use constructors instead. Only if you need a zero arg constructor should you consider static opCall.

Does "Struct(params)" also call "Struct.opCall(params)?"

If there's no constructor, i think it can. But like i said above, you should avoid this because it is mostly just historical baggage. Use constructors.

BTW non-static opCall is a different story, that can be useful for defining functor objects. That only works on an instance object though:

struct Foo { void opCall() { } }

Foo foo; // doesn't call any code, just plain variable declaration
foo(); // calls foo.opCall();

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