On 24/06/2014 1:13 p.m., Jason King wrote:
This is me trying to link with Juno and getting tantalizingly close to

DMD home is d:\d so binaries are d:\d\dmd2\windows\bin (on path)
Juno is in
D:\dlang\Juno-Windows-Class-Library\juno.lib exists
sc.ini is untouched

ass-Library\juno.lib -Id:\dlang\Juno-Windows-Class-Library events.d
OPTLINK (R) for Win32  Release 8.00.15
Copyright (C) Digital Mars 1989-2013  All rights reserved.
  Error 42: Symbol Undefined _VarCmp@16
--- errorlevel 1

I'm pretty sure I've got the -L+ part right because when I didn't I got
about 20 Symbol Undefined errors and if I leave out the -I part it
doesn't even compile.

What's the trick to get the link to work?

Looks like that's a Windows API function [0].
Get it to link with OleAut32 and it should work, if I'm correct.

[0] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms221006(v=vs.85).aspx

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