void main(){
      import std.algorithm, std.stdio;
      auto arr = [1,2,3];
      arr.map!("a + a", "a * a").writeln;  //compiles
      arr.map!(a => a + a, a => a * a).writeln; //does not

If I define two functions outside main, it works:

  void main(){
      import std.algorithm, std.stdio;
      auto arr = [1,2,3];
      arr.map!(twoTimes, square).writeln;
  int square(int i){ return i*i; }
  int twoTimes(int i){ return i+i; }

However, if `twoTimes` and `square` are nested inside of main(), it fails.

[...]\typetuple.d(550): Error: template instance F!(twoTimes) cannot use local 'twoTimes' as parameter to non-global template AppliedReturnType(alias f) [...]\typetuple.d(556): Error: template instance maptest.main.staticMap!(AppliedReturnType, twoTimes) error instantiating [...]\algorithm.d(415): instantiated from here: staticMap!(AppliedReturnType, twoTimes, square)
.\maptest.d(8):        instantiated from here: map!(int[])

The alias declaration
`alias AppliedReturnType(alias f) = typeof(f(r.front));`
... is something I have never seen before.

So I hardcoded/expanded this line:
`alias ReturnTypes = TypeTuple!(AppliedReturnType!(_funs[0]), AppliedReturnType!(_funs[1]));` ... which gives me the same error (cannot use local as parameter to non-global). So I threw it in a pragma(msg, [...]): `pragma(msg, TypeTuple!(AppliedReturnType!(_funs[0]), AppliedReturnType!(_funs[1])));` ... which printed `(int, int)`, as expected. And also the same error.


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