On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 19:16:52 UTC, Danyal Zia wrote:
On Saturday, 12 July 2014 at 19:09:44 UTC, seany wrote:
Please consider the following

struct arc(T,U)

T some_var;
U  someother_var;

/* things */

class myclass
 void MYfunction()

   arc!(string, string[]) * a;
   a.some_var = "hello";

void main()
 c = new myclass();

This leads to a segmentation fault.

What am I doing wrong?
"a" has not been instantiated. You are declaring it as a pointer to struct and using its fields without initializing it. "arc!(string, string[]) a;" will work.

For reasons further down in the software, I need to do this with a pointer. How do I do it with a pointer, please?

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