Am 21.07.2014 03:34, schrieb Vlad Levenfeld:

You're very welcome. The reason foreach(int i, x; argTuple) failed is
because argTuple is a value (of type T), and so known only at run-time.

Hmm but the only thing the compiler would need to know at compile-time is still i, which only depends on argTuple.length which is known at compile-time.

But ok, I can kinda understand that this doesn't work, probably foreach either operates completely on compile-time stuff (and does so statically) or completely on runtime-stuff, done dynamically.

To get a foreach to run at compile-time, you have to give it something
whose value is known to the compiler (so, T and typeof(argTuple) would
suffice, and 0..T.length really should as well).


A nice way to test is "pragma(msg, Foo)" where Foo is your argument...
if its knowable at compile-time, then your compiler should output "Foo"
(or the name of whatever its aliasing) to the console.

Thanks for the advice!


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