Hello everyone,

I'm trying to write a command-line application that can detect whether the input file is gzipped or not. Sounds simple enough, but I can't seem to do it properly in D (this is my first foray to the language).

After checking whether the file is gzipped or not, I try to create a new instance of a class that is basically an InputRange returning each line of the input file:

File f = File("input_file")
// detect gzip ...
if (isGzip)
    auto fileIter = new MyFileReader!GzipIterator(f)
    auto fileIter = new MyFileReader!NormalIterator(f)

foreach(string line; fileIter) {
// do things

However I always get the compiler error `undefined identifier lineIter`.

Now, my questions are:

1. What is causing the error? Is this caused by the compiler not being able to figure out what fileIter is at compile time?

2. I realize the current way of creating file handles may not be the best way to handle gzipped or non-gzipped file. Is there a better way to detect and create such file handles based on run time values?

Thanks in advance :).

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