I found AA initialization have a strange effect:

string[string] map; // same as `string[string] map = string[string].init;
        writeln(map); // output: []

        string[string] refer = map; // make a reference
        refer["1"] = "2"; // update the reference
writeln(map); // output: []. The reference does not affect the original.

But if I do an assignment first, the reference works:

string[string] map; // same as `string[string] map = string[string].init;
        writeln(map); // output: []

        map["1"] = "0";

        string[string] refer = map; // make a reference
        refer["1"] = "2"; // update the reference
        writeln(map); // output: ["1":"2"]. The reference does affect.

So if I want an empty AA and want to use a variable to refer to it later, I have to do this:

string[string] map; // same as `string[string] map = string[string].init;

        map["1"] = "0";
        map.remove("1"); // assign and then REMOVE!
        writeln(map); // output: []

        string[string] refer = map; // make a reference
        refer["1"] = "2"; // update the reference
        writeln(map); // output: ["1":"2"]. The reference does affect.

which looks awkward.

Is it because `string[string].init == null` ? If so, how do I specify an empty AA which is not null? Neither `[]` or `[:]` seems to work.

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