On Sunday, 10 August 2014 at 14:28:33 UTC, Puming wrote:
What do you mean by 'boring'? I think a shell in D would be awesome.

tbh I think shells are a bit boring too, but like you said in the other message, they are two different things.

But a terminal emulator isn't much of a gui because all it displays is text (and mine actually can display pictures too) - no buttons, text areas, checkboxes, etc. like typically comes to mind when you think of a desktop gui app.

I've been slowly writing a miniature gui widget library too, with the goal of zero dependencies and < 300kb compiled executables... but I just haven't had the time. Whenever I need a quick gui for a personal project I've actually been outputting html or something and reading the response with my cgi.d. html forms cover like 95% of my use cases.

5. MVC style input/output. The out put of commands can be formated with a template (with color and indentations, even markdown support). traditional shell outputs are a mess.

I like what Windows Powershell does - it talks in objects which can be formatted to string or passed to other commands that understand them.

For a while, I was toying with doing that in D too. I don't remember where I put the file (a super-simplified version is in my book somewhere though)... but the shell commands were actually just D functions that return strongly typed stuff. When composing them, it calls the function directly and communicating with external commands it does some simple toString serialization and deserialization so that works too.

But I haven't finished it in great part because I find regular old bash to work well enough for me.

7. autocomplete and auto style. write colorful code in the repl. Vi/emacs support of inline editing is also a plus.

gnu readline which bash uses allows the editing and autocomplete which is cool.

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