On Thursday, 14 August 2014 at 13:10:58 UTC, bearophile wrote:

D AAs used to be not vulnerable to collision attacks because they resolved collisions building a red-black tree for each bucket. Later buckets became linked lists for speed,

Slight corrections:
It was a effectively a randomized BST, it used the hash value + comparison function to place the elements in the tree.
E.g. The AA's node comparison function might be:

   if (hash == other.hash)
      return value.opCmp(other.value);
   else if (hash < other.hash)
      return -1;
   return 1;

The hash function has a significant influence on how balanced the BST will be. Insertion and removal order also have performance influence since rebalancing was only done when growing the AA.
It had no performance guarantees.

I believe it was removed to reduce memory consumption, see the Mar 19 2010 cluster of commits by Walter Bright to aaA.d. Since GC rounds up allocations to powers of two for small objects, the additional pointer doubles the allocation size per node.

A template library based AA implementation should be able to handily outperform built-in AAs and provide guarantees. Furthermore, improved memory management could be a significant win.

Fun fact:
The AA implementation within DMD still uses the "randomized" BST though the hash functions are very rudimentary.

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