Hi there.

Brief introduction, and a beginner's question.

I just started playing with D a couple of weeks ago. I have been programming in C on and off since the late 80s, but I do finance for a living and my programming skills grew rusty. I have a bit more time now to catch up with developments, and D looks a very intriguing robust alternative to C when python won't cut the mustard.

I am trying to implement the Demark technical analysis indicators in D, and want to be able to call them from python.

So I have set up pyd okay, and the examples seem to work fine. Running on Fedora 20. I am struggling a bit with the syntax on wrap_struct to export a struct and function returning a struct to python. Here is what I have:

module hello2;

import pyd.pyd;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

struct t_mystruct {
  int i;
  string s;

t_mystruct hello(int[] inp) {
    int i;
    t_mystruct mystruct;

    mystruct.s="hello there";
    return mystruct;

extern(C) void PydMain() {


def: hello
/root/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/celerid/infrastructure/pyd/def.d(151): Error: static assert "string parameters must be wrapped with Docstring, Mode, etc" /root/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/celerid/infrastructure/pyd/class_wrap.d(1474): instantiated from here: Args!("", "", "t_mystruct", "", "t_mystruct") hellostruct.d(30): instantiated from here: wrap_struct!(t_mystruct, "t_mystruct")
error: command 'dmd' failed with exit status 1
[root@fedora demark]#

Apologies if it's in one of the examples - I did poke around, and couldn't see any obvious sample.

Many thanks.


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