Hi everyone,

I'm facing a problem with the JSON functions. I've to communicate
with another PC using JSON. Here's a simple snipped which shows
my problem:

import std.json;
import std.stdio;
void main()
        double d = 1.23456789;
        JSONValue j = d;

My problem is that the remote PC receives 1.23457 instead of
1.23456789. But when I add the following:

import std.json;
import std.stdio;
void main()
        double d = 1.23456789;
        JSONValue j = d;
        writefln("%.8f", j.floating);

writefln() shows me 1.23456789. So, the value is correct. I think
the problem is the default representation of any floating point
number to string. Is there any chance I can send 1.23456789
instead of 1.23457 to my remote PC?

Note: I cannot use strings because the other PC expects a numeric
data type.

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