On Thursday, 28 August 2014 at 19:29:40 UTC, papaboo wrote:

I've just started getting into D and so far I'm just messing
around with it in a small math library.
However I've run into an issue while trying to build a library
and linking it with my main file.

My current file and module layout is
src/math/vector.d - module dragonfly.math.vector
src/math/quaternion.d - module dragonfly.math.quaternion

Compiling with
$ dmd test.d src/math/vector.d src/math/quaternion.d && ./test
works perfectly and runs the way I would expect.

I then tried to compile a library as described
http://ddili.org/ders/d.en/modules.html, so basically
$ dmd src/math/vector.d src/math/quaternion.d -lib -ofmath -w
$ dmd math.a test.d && ./test

But this fails with the following error
test.d(5): Error: module vector is in file
'dragonfly/math/vector.d' which cannot be read

I realize I placed my files in a 'src' dir instead of
'dragonfly', but shouldn't explicitly declaring the module name
in vector.d and quaternion.d fix that?

I'm compiling with dmd v 2.065

Hope someone has an answer for me so I can continue experimenting
with D.

in vector.d
type in fist line.
module src.math.vetor;

in quaternion.d
module src.math.quaternion;

save e compile.

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