On Sunday, 31 August 2014 at 05:27:15 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 08/30/2014 08:37 PM, Cassio Butrico wrote:

> My question is about wstring and dstring,
> which and the best way to input data, converting and which
should I use

Unless there is a specific reason not to, use 'string'. When you really need random access to characters, then use 'dstring'.

To input data, readf() is for formatted input:

    int i;
    readf(" %s", &i);

When reading a whole line as a string, consider

import std.stdio;
import std.string;

// ...

    string line = chomp(readln());

Thanks so much for answering me.
I was having trouble setting on my terminal in windows, I'm still trying to solve.

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