Here's the setup, I have a function

    void main { ... }

The main method parses input (via std.getopt) and calls one of three void-return-type functions. The program's three options correspond to significantly different initialization options.

In the code we then have:

    enum RunOpt {opt1, opt2, opt3};

And the body of the function wants to do:

    RunOpt option;
//parsing that results in, among other things option being initialized
        case RunOpt.opt1: fun1(...);
        case RunOpt.opt2: fun2(...);
        default: fun3(...);

When compiling, the error I get is

    Error: switch case fallthrough - use 'goto case;' if intended

This is not intended. Note that calling "return;" after "funi(...)" makes everything work. However, it feels like I'm doing something wrong here?

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