On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 20:45:29 UTC, K.K. wrote:
On Tuesday, 16 September 2014 at 20:31:33 UTC, Cliff wrote:
Out of curiosity, why are you not using dub (on the command-line)?

I'm not against using it or anything, but I've found that it
didn't help me significantly nor did I have the patience to
figure out it's whole set of issues, D by itself is already
enough trouble xD

Plus with my spastic work style, it kinda slowed me down.

However, it is something I may consider when I have an actually
organized project with a final goal. A lot of what I'm doing
right now is just experiments. Though, if Cmake + D does the
trick then I might not use DUB in the end. Hard to say atm.

Would you be willing to provide some more detail on what about it
you didn't like (errors, missing features, etc.)?  I ask because
build systems are a particular interest of mine and I have
projects in this area which can always use more user data.

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