On Thursday, 18 September 2014 at 00:06:41 UTC, fuijiy wrote:
Hello guys,

I'm trying to install Derelict3. I read a lot of thing and I lost myself between this huge set of information. What I must do ? First, I try to build Derelict3 (github version) manually but I failed. So I tried with dub. But I don't understand how to use dub.
My OS is Ubuntu.
Could you help me ? Could you explain me step by step ? Advice me

I know it's a noob behavior, I'm sorry about that.


So dub the build manager.
Basically in summary dub compiles a D program along with its dependencies. It utilises a compiler such as dmd, gdc or ldc depending on which is installed or instructed to use. It utilises a registry (code.dlang.org) of packages it knows about. It also has a locally stored registry for local to user packages.

To initialise a new project using dub to build it do:
$ dub init

Assuming it is installed and ready to go.
If you need help take a look at my video on ApplyYourDLang[0].
Its on windows, but it may help. Including about the D-APT repository [1].

After initialising the repository try:
$ dub run

It will compile it and if successful run it.

You want to look at the dependencies section on [2]. So an example dependency section for derelict-gl3 might be:

  "name": "my program",
  "dependencies": {
     "derelict-gl3": "~master"

Extremely simple example. Now see "~master"? You should replace that with a version such as 0.1.2 or something. You can find this on the tags (starts with a v) on the github repository. It is the format of Semver.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqABwcsDQUo7N8k9AJTWKfDrNJpRbnf5k
[1] http://d-apt.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://code.dlang.org/package-format

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