On Thursday, 18 September 2014 at 08:27:07 UTC, Szymon Gatner
On Wednesday, 17 September 2014 at 22:28:44 UTC, Cliff wrote:
So I am trying to use a C++ library with D.  My toolchain is
currently Visual Studio 2013 with Visual D, using the DMD
compiler. When trying to link, I obviously ran into the OMF vs. COFF issue, which makes using the C++ library a bit of a trial to
say the least (I played around with some lib format converters
but perhaps unsurprisingly this led to somewhat unpredictable
behavior.) I'd like to fix up my toolchain to avoid having this

For those of you who are on Windows and who do D and C++ interop,
what toolchain have you had success with?

Additionally, I have heard tell that D now allows calling C++
non-virtual class methods but I have not found documentation on
how to make this work (how do I define the C++ class layout in D
- I know how to do it for vtable entries but not non-virtual
methods.) Pointers to docs or samples would be much appreciated.


I am using Visual Studio 2012 (in x64 bit mode that is).

Binary D distribution also comes with phobos64.lib that C++ executable has to link. With VisualD plugin you can just add D static library project to the solution and the link C++ exe to it. It is very easy to make back-and-forth function calls between C++/D. I recommend Adam Ruppe's excellent "D Cookbook" Integration chapter on the details on how to expose this for cross-lang usage.

It does not all work correctly tho. I reported my issues on "learn" subforum but didn't get much help. In short: it seems not everything in D run-time (Phobos) gets properly initialized even after successful rt_init() call. In my case simple call to writeln() causes a crash because stdout is not properly initialized on D'd side.

Happy hybridizing!

Thanks guys.  I do have that book, but I was unaware of the COFF
capabilities of the 64-bit DMD, I'll take a look at it.

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