
Thanks for the quick response.

The -defaultlib was left around from trying all kinds of combinations of dmd and gcc. I am not used to gcc, and it will take me some time to become properly acquainted with all the options.

I simply could not get it to recognize libphobos no matter what path settings I tried passing.


I don't know whether this was necessary, but I did manage to get it to work after looking at a thread from a couple of years back. I recompiled the D runtime and Phobos with position independent code (PIC) and pointed everything to that version instead, and it worked fine. (Just export PIC=True, rename the posix.mak to Makefile, change the DMD path to /usr/sbin/dmd - in my case, and it all worked).

Next step is to try calling D interface from Cython.


In case anyone else should struggle with this in future. Makefile here:


pytestpy.so: pytest.d pytestpy.o
dmd -fPIC -c pytest.d #-shared -defaultlib=libphobos2.so -L-rpath=.:${PHOBOS_PATH} gcc -shared pytest.o pytestpy.o -o pytest.so -lphobos2 -lpthread -lrt -L. -L${PHOBOS_PATH} -Wl,-rpath=.:${PHOBOS_PATH} -o pytestpy.so -defaultlib=libphobos2.so -L-rpath=.:${PHOBOS_PATH}

pytest.o: %.d
        dmd -c $<

pytestpy.o: pytestpy.pyx
        cython pytestpy.pyx
        gcc -fPIC -c pytestpy.c -o pytestpy.o -I/usr/include/python2.7

        rm -f pytestpy.c pytest.o pytestpy.o pytest.so


extern (C) long pytest(long a)
        return a*2;

cdef extern long pytest(long a)

cpdef pytestpy():
        return pytest(109)

print pytest(102)

from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

                ext_modules = cythonize([
                                 Extension("pytestpy", ["pytestpy.pyx"],

On Tuesday, 7 October 2014 at 22:46:09 UTC, Freddy wrote:
On Tuesday, 7 October 2014 at 20:55:59 UTC, Laeeth Isharc wrote:

I am trying to create a shared library in D linked against phobos so that I may use this in a cython extension module for Python. Ultimately I would like to be able to use a D class or struct (via the C++ interface) and call it from within cython, since cython classes cannot be instantiated without the gil (and this prevents easy parallelisation).

I feel a bit foolish asking the question as there is a nice example here for working with plain C using dmd as the linker, and using dmd and gcc to create a DMD shared library statically linked to phobos. However, I have not succeeded in creating a D library statically linked to phobos that works with cython and python,

I tried it first with test C code to make sure I am able to get the C library/cython/Python interaction working.

#include <stdio.h>

long pytest(long a)
        return a+1;

int main()
        long a =pytest(100);
        return 0;

cdef extern long pytest(long a)

cpdef pytestpy():
        return pytest(109)


from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
from Cython.Build import cythonize

                ext_modules = cythonize([
                                 Extension("pytestpy", ["pytestpy.pyx"],

command line:
gcc -shared -o libpytest.so pytest.o
python setup.py build_ext -i
<copied libpytest.so to /usr/local/lib>
import pytestpy
<it works>

now try pytest.d
import std.stdio;

extern (C) long pytest(long a)
        return a*2;

void main()
        auto a =pytest(100);

command line:
rm pytestd.o
rm libpytest.so
rm /usr/local/lib/libpytest.so
dmd -c pytest.d -fPIC
gcc -shared -o libpytest.so pytest.o -defaultlib=libphobos2.so -L-rpath=/usr/local/lib

import pytestpy
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/libpytest.so: undefined symbol: _D3std5stdio12__ModuleInfoZ

I guess it is not linking to the D runtime, but I am not sure what I should be doing to fix.

Any thoughts appreciated.

(The next step I was going to try when this works was C++ interface vs importing as a Cython class, but I thought best to start simple).

I am running this on 64 bit Fedora 20.


Since when does gcc have a -defaultlib option?
$ man gcc | grep  defaultlib
object-file-name  -llibrary -nostartfiles  -nodefaultlibs
             This is useful when you use -nostdlib or
-nodefaultlibs but you do
             -nodefaultlibs is used.
             -nodefaultlibs is libgcc.a, a library of internal
subroutines which
             -nodefaultlibs you should usually specify -lgcc as
well.  This
and why do you have a main function when compiling a shared

Anyway, I think the problem is that "libpytest.so" can't find
"libphobos2.so". Try adding "libphobos2.so"'s location
(/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libphobos2.so on my linux mint) to
your -rpath .

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