On 10/12/14 3:46 PM, ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

please, how to call template constructor of a class? it's completely
escaped my mind. i.e. i have this class:

   class A {
     this(alias ent) (string name) {

and i want to do:

   void foo () { ... }
   auto a = new A!foo("xFn");

yet compiler tells me that

"template instance A!foo A is not a template declaration, it is a class"

yes, i know that i can rewrite constructor to something like this:

   this(T) (string name, T fn) if (isCallable!T) {

and then use autodeduction, but i want the first form! ;-)

Hm... I don't think it's very possible, unless you want to call ctor directly and not conflate with new (i.e. define a factory function instead). Unfortunately, some things can only be done within constructors.

At least someone else has found a similar issue before: https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10689

I'm not sure what proper syntax would be, perhaps:

auto a = (new A)!foo("xFn");

A good pattern should be able to be discovered here, to help with the existing state of affairs...


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