On 13.10.2014 10:12, Szymon Gatner wrote:
On Saturday, 11 October 2014 at 13:35:55 UTC, Rainer Schuetze

Yes, DMD git HEAD is required.

Getting this when trying to build all with Digger:

std\uri.d(872): Deprecation: alias object.clear is deprecated -
Please use destroy instead.
std\uri.d(1166): Deprecation: alias object.clear is deprecated -
Please use destroy instead.
std\concurrency.d(1352): Error: function expected before (), not
currSystemTick() of type TickDuration
std\concurrency.d(1354): Error: function expected before (), not
currSystemTick() of type TickDuration
std\concurrency.d(1348): Error: function
std.concurrency.FiberScheduler.FiberCondition.wait no return exp;
or assert(0); at end of function
std\concurrency.d(1395): Error: function expected before (), not
this.m_fibers[this.m_pos].state() of type State
std\concurrency.d(1971): Error: function expected before (), not
currSystemTick() of type TickDuration

--- errorlevel 1
Fatal error: Command ["make", "-f", "win32.mak", "phobos.lib",
"MODEL=32"] failed with status 1

Sorry for taking your time. I thin, I'll just wait for 2.067 and
re-try then.

I believe you have built the pull requests by choosing "Make me one with everything" from the web interface. That stops at the first failing one.

Just hit "Build". That worked for Win32 for me, but I got a ZipException when downloading the tools to build Win64.

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