I have a simple GLFW3 program running in Visual D integrated shell, that kept aborting at DerelictFLFW3.load() with a "failed to load the shared libraries: glfw3.dll.'

So I found a glfw3.dll somewhere and moved it into the project folder (I know this is bad technique) and that fixed the problem.

But now I'm wondering were this glfw3.dll came from.

I rebuildt the DerelictGLFW3 with dub as per the instructions.

E:\DerelictGLFW3-master>dub build
Building derelict-glfw3 ~master configuration "library", build type debug.
Running dmd...

And I see
E:\DerelictGLFW3-master\source\derelict\glfw3\glfw3.d which is used for compile time.

And the
E:\DerelictGLFW3-master\lib\DerelictGLFW3.lib which is the static library required at link time.

But I couldn't find any glfw3.dll under the E:\DerelictGLFW3-master path.

I did however, find these lines in the DerelictGLFW3/glfw3.d code:
static if( Derelict_OS_Windows )
   enum libNames = "glfw3.dll";
. . .
class DerelictGLFW3Loader : SharedLibLoader {
    public this() {
        super( libNames );

    protected override void loadSymbols() {
        bindFunc( cast( void** )&glfwInit, "glfwInit" );
        bindFunc( cast( void** )&glfwTerminate, "glfwTerminate" );
bindFunc( cast( void** )&glfwGetVersion, "glfwGetVersion" ); bindFunc( cast( void** )&glfwGetVersionString, "glfwGetVersionString" ); bindFunc( cast( void** )&glfwSetErrorCallback, "glfwSetErrorCallback" );

But I don't believe this will create the glfw3.dll file? If I'm correct, how, when and where is glfw3.dll created.

thanks as always.

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