
I have to write a bunch of functions that operate on input arrays to return multiple output arrays.

In case helpful the inputs are price bars or economic data points (datetime, ohlc) and the outputs are nx1 arrays (I won't say vectors) of doubles or structs.

What is the best way to return multiple arrays in this kind of situation. In Python I returned a tuple of numpy arrays, and the C way would be to pass a pointer to the return destinations, and I guess I could do the same in a D way by passing by ref not value).

I see that I can return a struct containing dynamic arrays, and return it (by value of course). I have read the forum discussion a while back over how to return multiple values, and tried using tuples. I don't see that I can return a tuple of arrays - am I missing something?

Here is a simple case.  Can I do better ?


import std.typecons;
import std.stdio;

struct RetStruct
        double[] a;
        double[] b;

RetStruct myfunction(double x)
        RetStruct s;
        double[] a,b;
        return s;

void main()

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