I'm using Windows.

I was making some sort of modular system where you can define modules that are loaded by host application. Here is a simple example https://gist.github.com/MrSmith33/7692328455a19e820a7c Now i want to separate these "modules" in separate shared libs and link them on the fly. The issue i have is that some modules can define some useful functions and in order to use them you need to upcast to concrete type. This is easy in a single application, but i was unable to do this through dll boundary.

So basically all dll's have factory function that returns an instance of IModule. Than any module can search for registered modules and try to cast them to concrete type (upcast).

in imodule.d

interface IModule
        string name();
        void init(ModuleManager modman);

in module1.d (dll)

class Module1 : IModule
        override string name() {return "Module1";}

        override void init(ModuleManager modman)
                IModule module2 = modman.findModule("Module2");
                if (auto m = cast(Module2)module2)

in module2.dll (dll)

class Module2 : IModule
        override string name() {return "Module2";}
        override void init(ModuleManager modman){}
        void someMethod2(){}

And what files should i compile with what packages?

module1 dll
        Module2 - should i import it, compile of import .di file?

module2 dll

Is it possible at all? Or it is an issue with Windows shared lib support?

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