On Tuesday, 28 October 2014 at 16:07:38 UTC, MachineCode wrote:
I'm very surprise. If they either equal or fast sometimes the compiler did great optizations or it's just a multicore processor that's helping or what else? the first version (from your post, the one using ranges) change in each iteration two pointers (in pop*() calls) and request r's length 3 times (in .empty calls) while the second doesn't, just run until an already know index (when enter in the loop) and access two index in each iteration. This without consider the amount of ifs.

I don't know, maybe I just thinking in the C-way as that code would run.

Yes, I'm curious about this too. I will check the assembly output later (When I have free time) to understand what is happening and why popFront/Back are faster than a loop.


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