On Monday, 3 November 2014 at 14:27:47 UTC, Dominikus Dittes Scherkl wrote:
If I have a struct with numeric template parameter, how can I access it within member functions? Like normal member variables? And how about the constructor?

struct polynomial(uint base)
   uint[] N;
   this(uint x) { base = x; }
   void add(Polynomial!base P)
      if(N.length < P.N.length) N.length = P.N.length;
      foreach(i; 0..P.N.length)
         N[i] = (N[i]+P.N[i]) % base;

This doesn't work for me :-/

You cannot assign to it, because it is only avaliable during compilation. Think of it as an immediate value, not variable.

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