On 11/02/2014 04:10 AM, novice2 wrote:

I need write some wrapper around legacy data structure.
May be it should be class. May be structure with methods.
The problem is writing repetitive code for underlying data.
For example:
  - code to read length-byte-prefixed string to D string for every field
in every structure;
  - code to write D string back to length-byte-prefixed string;

Is it possible to write some template or mixin, and then just write
myStruct.addFiled(type=ByteLengthString, name="name")
myStruct.addFiled(type=ShortLengthString, name="filed2")
myStruct.addFiled(type=WeirdStoredInteger, name="counter")

May be it can be done with template, mixin, UDA, ...?

May be something already realized, and i can see sources as example?

Any ideas or examples please.
Just show direction for me )


It sounds possible but I don't understand it yet. Can you give an example of the input and output to the D code?


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