On 11/16/2014 6:46 AM, univacc wrote:

I am sitting in front of this problems for hours now and I need help:
I need the a linker that is capable of delayed DLL loading and
apparently, OPTLINK does not provide this option.

unilink and Microsofts incremental linker support it so I would like to
use one of them but I cannot manage to get it to work.. :/

When I try to replace the OPTLINK Linker with set LINKCMD=... then dub
still tries to use the default argument list from OPTLINK, that
obviously does not work with other Linkers.

So what am I doing wrong

When compiling a 32-bit executable with DMD on Windows, you get OPTLINK by default. This has nothing to do with dub. You can use the MS linker by compiling a 64-bit exe (-m64), provided you have it installed and DMD is properly configured to use it. Also, I've read somewhere on here about support for the MS linker in 32-bit DMD with a special flag (-ms32coff IIRC), but I'm not sure if it's in the latest beta or what. A search of the newsgroup should turn something up for you if someone else doesn't give you the right answer first.

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