On Tuesday, 11 November 2014 at 11:50:18 UTC, Ivan Kazmenko wrote:
Is there an "official" translation already? In TDPL, the (very few) occurrences of "range" are translated as "диапазон" (Cyrillic for "diapason"), how official is that? In Russian, the term "diapason" in computerspeak is used to refer to a range of possible values, as in "the range (diapason) for an ubyte variable is from 0 to 255". Also, it has four syllables, making it long-ish to pronounce.

"Range" sounds as odd to people new to D as "диапазон", and has the same issue with the existing interpretation of an interval of values. Thus, "диапазон" is an accurate translation. Anyway, using established terminology outweighs accuracy of translation, as the former is less likely to confuse readers familiar with the subject.

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