On Friday, 28 November 2014 at 19:59:40 UTC, Xinok wrote:
Given that we have GDC with the GCC backend and LDC with the LLVM backend, what are the benefits of keeping the DMD compiler backend? It seems to me that GCC and LLVM are far more developed and better supported by their respective communities. They have superior optimizers and are better equipped for migrating D to new platforms. On the other hand, from what I gather, there's lots of work to be done on DMD on improving support for x64 Windows and ARM.

It's a genuine question, which is why I posted this to D.learn. I don't follow development on the backend and overall I'm unfamiliar with compilers, so I'm not sure what the benefits are of the D community continuing to maintain it's own backend.

DDMD, bootstraping.
LDC and GDC are not written in D.

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