Here's a little experiment I was trying out earlier today in order to try and convert foreach-style code to using UFCS of ranges:

import std.algorithm, std.range, std.stdio;

void main()
    size_t s = 0;

    void essify(size_t n)
        writeln("n = ", n);

    auto filteredRange = iota(0, 10).filter!(a => (a % 2));!(a => essify(a));


    foreach (n; filteredRange)


I'd assumed the two uses of filteredRange would produce equivalent results, but in fact the transformation using map does nothing -- the writeln statement inside the essify() function never gets triggered, suggesting the function body is never executed.

Can anyone advise why, and whether there's a nice range iteration option to ensure that this function gets called using each element of the filteredRange?

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