How do i successfully use std.functional.binaryFun in the following example?

import std.stdio;
import std.functional;

class Foo(T, alias greater = "a > b") if (is(typeof(binaryFun!(greater)(T.init, T.init)) == bool))
        private alias compare = binaryFun!(greater);

        public this()
                writefln("%s",, 1));

void main(string[] args)
        auto foo = new Foo!(int, "a < b"); // Works

auto bar = new Foo!(int, delegate(int a, int b){ return a > b; }); // Linker error.

The first instantiation works when using a string but I get a linker error when i try and use a delegate as the compare function. Why is this? and what do i need to do to correct this?

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