On Saturday, 27 December 2014 at 16:41:04 UTC, Russel Winder via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
On Sat, 2014-12-27 at 15:33 +0000, Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn
[…lots of agreed uncontentious stuff :-) …]

You write as if Christensen's book "The Innovator's Dilemma" had never been written, and nor had it been a standard textbook in business schools for some years. You may have good arguments as to why he is wrong, or why it doesn't apply to D, but you haven't set them out, as far as I am aware.

In the post-production world as I know it (Nuke, etc.) The C++/Python combination has never failed to be adequate to the innovation demanded by film makers. In the image processing world the C++/Lua combination
has never failed to adapt to the innovation needed by photograph
tinkerers. My point was really that the customers have never found an innovative need that the extant platforms couldn't provide. I felt this was somewhat different to the Christensen argument. On the other hand, I
may have missed the point…

No matter how plugged in a person may be, it is impossible to be aware of everything that is going on, especially in exactly the kind of domains Christensen talks about - ones that aren't by any standard important in a spot sense to the bigger picture, but that critically provide a quiet relatively uncontested niche for the seeds of something to unfold until it is ready to break out into the broader world.

So I think the point is that one shouldn't be bothered one jot by the disinclination of the people you know to want to use D, particularly since you are so plugged in to all these other worlds (and being an insider in a sense that matters today has an opportunity cost because it means one is not spending time and attention speaking to non insiders as much at that instant). New growth will come from the fringes.

I think one should be very worried if the Adam Ruppe of the world would start to say D sucks - nice idea, but just not expressive enough for me, and I am switching back to Ruby and Python. Because that would indicate a loss of ground in the home niche. But somehow I don't think so...! And meantime quietly things continue to develop.

What matters is not the challenges one faces, but how one deals with them. An outpouring of frustration in recent days, and the result is we are going to get better docs, better examples, and who knows what else. That's a sign of health.

Will post code I have in a few days.


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